If I buy a Salesforce Voucher, can it be used it on any Certification?
Yes, you can use your Salesforce Certification Exam Voucher for a different certification, as long as the new exam is of equal value to the original voucher, excluding any applicable taxes or fees. This flexibility allows you to allocate your voucher to any other certification exam, provided the prices align.
For example, if you purchase an Administrator Course Bundle that includes an Exam Voucher but later decide to take the Service Cloud Certification Exam instead of the Administrator Exam, you can use the same voucher to cover the cost, as long as the values match.
This option is designed to support changes in your certification objectives, allowing you to use your voucher for the certification that best suits your career goals.
Please note: The voucher cannot be split or partially used, so ensure the exam you choose matches or exceeds the value of your voucher.