I am getting a Wordfence Blocked Error
Why am I seeing a Wordfence blocked error?
If you’re seeing a message that says you’ve been blocked by Wordfence, it can happen for several reasons:
- Suspicious Activity Detected: Wordfence monitors website traffic and may block you if it detects activity that resembles a potential security threat. This could include repeated failed login attempts, triggering firewall rules, or accessing restricted URLs.
- IP Address Blacklisted: If your IP address has a history of suspicious behavior or is on a blacklist that Wordfence references, you may be blocked automatically. This could occur if your IP was previously involved in spam or hacking attempts.
- Rate Limiting Exceeded: Wordfence may block you if it detects that you’re making too many requests in a short time. This can happen if you refresh pages rapidly or perform actions like form submissions or API requests frequently.
- Blocked Actions: If you attempted to perform an action that the Wordfence firewall considers risky, such as uploading files or accessing the WordPress admin area without appropriate permissions, you might get blocked.
- Incorrect Login Attempts: Repeated incorrect login attempts can trigger a temporary block to prevent brute force attacks. This is often set by site administrators to protect against unauthorized access attempts.
What can I do if I’m blocked?
- Clear Your Cache: Sometimes, clearing your browser cache or using a different browser can help, especially if the block is due to cached rules.
- Try Using a Different Network: If you have access to a different internet connection, like a mobile hotspot, try using that to see if the block is tied to your current network. If you are using a VPN, please turn it off and try accessing the Platform again.
- Contact the Website Administrator: If you believe the block is a mistake, reach out to us below. Please provide us with the error message you received, including any reference numbers or your IP address.
- Check for Malware on Your Device: If you frequently encounter blocks on multiple websites, your device might have malware. Run a full scan using reputable antivirus software to ensure your device is secure.
Please complete the form below for our IT Team to investigate further and review why you might be blocked.
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